ISO 50001
Energy Management

ISO 50001 is an internationally recognized energy management standard that provides organizations of all sizes a way to optimize energy efficiency and improve energy management.

The standard was first published in 2011 and an updated version of this standard published in August of 2018. Find out more about ISO 50001 requirements for 2018 and the transition timeline below.

ISO 50001:2018 Energy management systems – Requirements and instructions for the use was in line to the structures of ISO management standards for systems like ISO 9001 Quality Management as well as ISO 14001 Environmental Management. The standard structure was intended to make it easier to integrate into management systems that are already implemented in an organization. Additionally, the revised version puts more focus on the roles of the top management team, in order to create a culture change within the company.

What is ISO

50001 Energy Management?

ISO 50001 is a voluntary international standard that is voluntary and international. It is applicable to organizations regardless of size and includes requirements for establishing as well as managing and improving the efficiency of their energy use and efficiency.

ISO 50001 was designed for compatibility and harmonization other standards of the system like ISO 14001 for environmental management systems and ISO 9001 for quality management systems. This makes it ideal for integration into existing management processes and systems such as environmental, security and health.

  • ISO 50001 assists facilities in making decisions about the proper implementation of energy-efficient technology and in enhancing efficiency in energy use, energy efficiency and consumption. It also improves transparency and helps in communicating managing energy sources.
  • It focuses on energy management best practices and behaviour. To provide an environment for encouraging energy efficiency across the supply chain. It also assists with improvement in energy management for projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Principles of ISO 50001 Energy Management System

Key principles of ISO 50001 Energy Management System are:

  1. Continuous Improvement:Establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving an energy management system (EnMS) is a continual process that enables organizations to achieve energy performance improvement.


  1. Systematic Approach:The EnMS should be established, implemented, maintained, and continually improved based on a systematic approach to energy performance improvement, including energy efficiency, energy use, and consumption.
  2. Data-Driven Decision Making:Energy management decisions should be based on data analysis and information to ensure the effective use of energy resources and continuous improvement of energy performance.


  1. Legal Compliance:Organizations should comply with applicable legal requirements and other requirements to which the organization subscribes that relate to its energy use, consumption, and efficiency.


  1. Risk-Based Thinking:Organizations should consider risks and opportunities associated with its energy use and consumption to ensure that energy performance is improved.


  1. Engagement of People:The involvement, empowerment, and training of people at all levels of the organization are essential for the EnMS to be successful.


  1. Leadership:Leaders at all levels should establish unity of purpose and direction and create an environment in which people can be fully involved in achieving the organization’s energy performance objectives.


  1. Performance Evaluation:Monitoring, measurement, analysis, and evaluation of energy performance and the effectiveness of the EnMS should be conducted to ensure continual improvement.
  2. Communication:Effective communication is essential to ensure that information regarding the EnMS is shared within the organization and with relevant external parties.


  1. Documentation:The EnMS documentation should include policies, objectives, processes, and procedures that are necessary for ensuring the effective planning, operation, and control of energy performance.

Benefits of ISO 50001 Energy Management System

  • A significant improvement in the energy performance of an energy baseline.
  • A methodical strategy (plan-do-check and then act) that leads to continual improvement in energy efficiency. ISO 50001 enables organizations to:
  • Plan a strategy to make better energy usage.
  • Implement goals and targets for energy efficiency to achieve the guidelines.
  • Utilize data to discern and make informed decisions regarding the use of energy and its consumption.
  • Assess the effects of energy efficiency improvement.
  • Examine the efficacy and efficiency of energy policies.
  • Continuously improve the efficiency in managing energy.
  • ISO 50001 supports the development of a policy on energy and helps to structure an energy strategy to reach the goals.
  • ISO 50001 facilitates engagement (commitment and agreement) of the management team and makes an impact on the energy goals.
  • The ISO 50001-certified EnMS can create awareness and commitment to energy (i.e. consumption usage efficiency and renewable energy sources) within an organization.
  • ISO 50001 improves the ability for organizations to manage energy risk and potential impact in a timely and effective manner.
  • ISO 50001 strengthens the competitiveness of companies and decreases their vulnerability to fluctuations in the price of energy and the availability of energy.
  • ISO 50001 allows the establishment of a benchmarking system.
  • An ISO 50001-based EnMS gives organizations credibility and external visibility for actions to save energy.
  • An ISO 50001-based EnMS helps to understand the relationship between the predictable energy demand and supply.
  • An ISO50001-based EnMS lowers the cost of energy and increases profitability.

Frequently Asked Questions

ISO 50001 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for an energy management system (EnMS). It provides a framework for organizations to establish, implement, maintain, and improve their energy performance and efficiency.

ISO 50001 is important because it assists organizations in improving their energy efficiency, decrease costs for energy, and lessen the environmental impacts. It also assists organizations in complying with regulatory and legal standards related to energy management.

Every organization, no matter its size or type is able to gain of ISO 50001 certification. It is especially beneficial for those who have significant energy use or seek to improve their efficiency in energy use.

ISO 50001 was developed based upon the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle and is comparable to other management systems standards like ISO 9001 (quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management). The difference is that ISO 50001 focuses specifically on energy management and the continuous improvement of energy efficiency.

Some key benefits of implementing ISO 50001 include:

  • Reduced energy costs and improved energy efficiency.
  • Enhanced organization-wide awareness of energy management.
  • Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Improved reputation and stakeholder confidence.

To become ISO 50001 certified, an organization must:

  • Develop and implement an energy management system (EnMS) based on the requirements of ISO 50001.
  • Conduct an internal audit of the EnMS to ensure it meets the standard's requirements.
  • Undergo a certification audit by an accredited certification body to verify compliance with ISO 50001.